Baku Expo Exhibition and Convention Center

12th Caspian International Road Infrastructure and Public Transport Exhibition
12-я Каспийская Международная Выставка «Дорожная Инфраструктура и Общественный Транспорт»
Road & Traffic exhibition is a specialized event in the Caspian region, which gathers professionals involved in road infrastructure, public transport, road safety and information technology sectors under the same roof. This is a unique opportunity to provide industry professionals with up-to-date solutions in the design and construction of roads, bridges and tunnels; to explore the needs of the market and the possibility of selling your ITS-related products; to meet with public transport operators of Azerbaijan and to take part in tenders related to this field; to meet with the leadership of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, Baku Metropolitan, specialized government agencies and experts of contractor companies in the road construction sector.
- Engineering and construction of roads, bridges and tunnels;
- Urban planning;
- Road building and communal machinery and equipment;
- Tunnel-boring systems;
- Road pavements, geosynthetic materials, asphalt and concrete mixing plants;
- Geodesy, cartography, GIS systems;
- Parking.
- Telematics systems;
- Traffic and passenger flow control systems;
- Vehicles identification systems;
- Navigation systems.
- Buses, taxis, trams;
- Metro (underground) – rolling stock;
- Fare payment systems;
- Underground rolling stock, station equipment;
- Cycling infrastructure;
- Elevators and escalators;
- Products and services for passengers with disabilities.
- Road signs, guardrails;
- Road lighting;
- Road markings;
- Traffic light, special light and audio signal emitting devices;
- Speed monitoring system;
- Alco testers;
- Uniforms.