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07.10.2024 — 08.10.2024
О.А.Э., Дубаи
Dubai World Trade Centre
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07.10.2024 — 08.10.2024

Forex Expo Dubai 2024 is the 7th grand edition which provides an extravagant platform for Forex traders, Introducing Brokers, Investors, Financial Institutions, and Brokers from all over the Trading and Investing ecosystem to collaborate and establish the most significant connections. It is an adequate platform for meeting top service providers and staying up to date on the latest market trends and financial insights to improve skills, networking, and investing landscape.


2024 will be the seventh edition of this increasingly popular event: a superb chance to meet with the world’s leading forex players, who come to Dubai for two days both to showcase their products and services, and also to collaborate and connect with attendees.

Now firmly established in the sector’s calendar, Forex Expo attracts a premier audience of traders, banks, investors, financial institutions, brokers, affiliates and B2B technology providers from right across the trading and investing ecosystem.

By combining the latest market trends and financial insights with a wide-ranging reach – embracing sectors such as US stocks, commodities, metals and other online trading products – the Expo enables attendees to boost their knowledge and network across the investing landscape.

The event seamlessly blends three key components – an exhibition, a conference and an awards ceremony. With the latter, attendees are invited to be part of the voting process, having their say on choosing the most innovative and inspiring companies and individuals of the year.

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