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Rest & Entertainment EXPO 2024

06.09.2024 — 08.09.2024
Армения, Yerevan
Karen Demirchyan Complex
Полное название выставки
Rest & Entertainment EXPO 2024
06.09.2024 — 08.09.2024

23th international specialized exhibition


Rest & Entertainment Expo is an exciting event that takes place in the city of Yerevan and is dedicated to the field of recreation and entertainment. It is a platform where companies and organizations from this industry can showcase their products, services and innovations.
At the Rest & Entertainment Expo you will be able to see a wide range of entertainment offers, including theme parks, attractions, game centers, bowling alleys, cinemas, sports complexes, restaurants, cafes and much more. It is an ideal place for industry professionals and visitors who want to learn about the latest trends, emerging technologies and innovative approaches in the field of recreation and entertainment.
The exhibition provides an opportunity to meet with industry experts, establish business contacts, discuss potential partnerships and deals. In addition, special events are held here, such as seminars, presentations, workshops and forums where you can discuss topical issues and share experiences.
The Rest & Entertainment Expo in Yerevan is an important event for the leisure and entertainment industry, creating opportunities for growth, development and expansion of business, as well as for enriching the cultural and entertainment environment in the city and region.

Rest & Entertainment Expo held in the framework of the exhibition forum ARMENIA EXPO. 

Rest & Entertainment Expo sections:


Travel agencies
Business tourism
Children’s tourism
Airlines and aviaagencies
Auto rounds
Rent of machines
Zones of rest in Armenia

Medical-improving Rest:

The medical-improving centers
Rest houses
SPA salons
Massage salons

Sports and rest:

Sports complexes
Fitness the centers
Sportswear and accessories
Accessories for rest

Fishing and hunting:

Accessories for fishing
Accessories for hunting
The hunting clubs

The entertaining centers:

Night clubs
Karaoke bars
The game centers
Entertaining clubs

Thematic editions, magazines

The exhibition is held within the framework of the universal regional trade-industrial forum Armenia EXPO


Индустриальные сектора
Цифры и Факты
Выставка закончит работу через

Похожие выставки

Городская инфраструктура, Водные технологии, Управление отходами, Коммунальные услуги, Автоматизация производства, Промышленная автоматизация, Измерения и Контроль, Строительные Технологии, Материалы и Оборудование, Дизайн интерьера, Финансовые и Страховые услуги, Недвижимость, Пищевая индустрия, Упаковочное оборудование, Продукты питания, Напитки, Продукты премиум-класса, Мебель, Дизайн Интерьера, Промышленное оборудование, Обслуживание производства, Информационные и Коммуникационные Технологии, Программное обеспечение, Досуг, Хобби, Логистика, Технологии Перевозки и Хранения, Средства Массовой информации, Индустрия Печати, Промышленные Выставки, Транспорт и Траффик, Логистика, Транспорт (Автомобили, Коммерческий транспорт, Мотоциклы, Грузовой транспорт, Запчасти и Аксессуары)
06.09.2024 – 08.09.2024