World Health Expo 2024
Wuhan International Expo Center
The primary purpose of The World Health EXPO(WHE) is following the ‘Healthy China initiative'to build a globoalized platform of ‘Comprehensive Health' concept exhibitions and trading. The WHE assembles superior key industrial resources from world wide and engage to build a better cooperation in the industrial chain of‘comprehensive health'in order to lead ‘comprehensive health' industry to sustainable development which will satisfy the growing demand from people on their healthy lives.
Theme:"A community of healthy lives for mankind, A future of technology is shining bright."
Objectives:Build a global platform of ‘comprehensive health' concept exhibitions and tradings. Collect and offer top quality key industrial resources. Encourage a better cooperation between the ends of industrial chian. Deliver opptunity of investments and projects. Promote WuHan transform to the Captial of World ‘comprehensive health' industry.