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Congresso Provedores de Internet 2024

05.08.2024 — 07.08.2024
Бразилия, San Paulo
Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca
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Congresso Provedores de Internet 2024
05.08.2024 — 07.08.2024

The 14th Internet Providers Congress NOW AS PART OF NETCOM 2024, IN SÃO PAULO


The 14th Internet Providers Congress, now as part of NETCOM 2024, will offer a rich and diverse program. We expect more than 60 speakers to discuss the latest access technologies, regulatory standards, how to increase revenue through new value-added services, and explore emerging opportunities in the broadband market. This is the perfect stage for industry professionals and enthusiasts to update themselves on the latest trends and technologies. By attending the conference, you will have the chance to connect with experts and peers, gaining valuable insights into the future of connectivity and communications technologies. NETCOM 2024, hosted at Expo Center Norte in São Paulo, is the meeting point for industry leaders, innovators and visionaries, providing a unique opportunity to redesign the future of private communications. At NETCOM 2024, you will also find other participating conferences, such as the 2nd Optical Fiber Congress, the 3rd Pole Sharing Workshop, the 15th Data Centers Congress, and the 2nd Cabling and Installations Congress. This is an unparalleled opportunity to explore a variety of topics and innovations in a single event. Don't miss this chance to be part of an event that will shape the future of our industry. Register now and get ready to connect, learn and inspire at the 14th Internet Providers Congress at NETCOM 2024. For more information, visit the NETCOM website. We are waiting for you in São Paulo.

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