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IRANMETAFO 2024 -Int’l Exhibition of Metallurgy

23.11.2024 — 26.11.2024
Иран, Tehran
Tehran International Permanent Fairground
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IRANMETAFO 2024 -Int’l Exhibition of Metallurgy
23.11.2024 — 26.11.2024

21th International Exhibition of Metallurgy - Iran Metafo, SteelEpo, MetalExpo, NoferExpo, Thermexpo, MinExpo


21th Iran METAFO will be held from 23-26 Nov  in Tehran international permanent fairground and gets hundreds of industrial companies and experts together. In 2023, the event was held in 26253 SQM net space, exhibiting 799 companies, from 22 different countries. Exhibitor companies gained the opportunity of meeting 20455 visitors including top managers, suppliers, traders, investors, experts, and end users.

  • Steelexpo- Iron and Steel Industry and Products
  • Castexpo- Casting, Molding, Forging and Machine Works
  • Noferexpo- Non-Ferrous Metals Industry
  • Minexpo- Minerals & Mining Industry
  • Refrexpo- Casting, Molding, Forging and Machine Works
  • Furnexpo- Industrial Furnaces
  • Projexpo- Industrial and Mining Projects


  • Iron and Steel Technology and products

(Iron, Steel and Ferro Alloys, Minerals and Raw Materials, Steel Making Technology, Fabrication Technology, Iron and Steel Mills, Equipment and Machinery, Steel Products)

  • Casting, Molding, Forging and Machine Works

(Casting Processes, Molding and Molds, Machine Works, Electro Plating, Hot Forging and Cold Forging, Welding & Shearing)

  • Non-Ferrous Metals

(Aluminum, Copper, Zink and Lead, Precious Metals such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, Titanium, Etc., Exploration, Exploitation and Refinement, Processing and Producing , Machinery and Equipment, Non-Ferrous Products, Maintenance and Repair)

  • Minerals & Mining Industry

(Coal and Foundry Coke, Metallic and Non-Metallic Minerals, Mining Equipment, Consulting and Geo-Technic, Exploration and Digging, Heavy Machinery, Contractor Services)

  • Furnaces, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics

(Shaped and Unshaped Refractories, Industrial Furnaces, Industrial Ceramics, Insulating and Fiber Materials, Refractory Equipment and Components)

  • Industrial and Mining Projects

(Steel and Non-Ferrous Industry Projects, Mining Projects, Electricity, Water and Road Projects, Project Development and Completion, Investment and Project Funding, Contracting, Insurance, Consulting, Etc.)

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