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The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Forging Industry Exhibition

10.05.2025 — 12.05.2025
Китай, Guangzhou
China Import and Export Fair Complex (Canton Fair Complex)
Полное название выставки
The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Forging Industry Exhibition
10.05.2025 — 12.05.2025

2025 China(Guangzhou)International Metal &Metallurgy Exhibition

The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Forging Industry Exhibition


Governed By:


Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Department of Foreign Trade

Approved By:

The Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province

Organized By:

Guangzhou Julang Exhibition Design Co., Ltd.

Special Thanks to:

The U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, Consulate General of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Guangzhou, The Australian Trade Commission, Italian Institute of Foreign Trade, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Bangladesh, The Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Turkey, Commerce of United Arab Emirates in China

Previous Review

The 24th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Forging Industry Exhibition has been successfully held for the twenty three years.Exhibits cover forgings, forging flanges, rings, forging materials, forging equipment and forging matching fields.It is one of the most professional and authoritative forging exhibitions in China.The scale of the exhibition is growing day by day, and has developed from a single on-site display platform into an international stage integrating enterprise three-dimensional display and industry interaction.

The 25th China(Guangzhou) Int'l Forging Industry Exhibition will be presented in an international, professional and high-level way.Invites Chinese and world forging factories to showcase new products, new technologies and new equipment.To help industry executives fully understand the latest trends in the global forging industry chain, while creating a one-stop procurement platform for products, materials and equipment for the audience!

Guangzhou Julang Exhibition Design Co., Ltd. started organizing exhibition since 1996. With its good experience and rich customer resource, The exhibition was once the best industry platform for industry companies to expand domestic market.

New Attractions

  • A special promotion work group is working on publishing information of the expo through telphone, fax, mobile, email, post, industry magazine, website, newspaper and TV. More than 300,000 invitations and 1,000,000 tickets will be distributed directly to the potential buyers of corresponding industries( hardware, machinery, automobile, building materials, petroleum, chemical industry, aviation, electric power, food, electronic, steel, valves, home appliances, furniture, medical treatment, packaging, paper making, metallurgy) around the world.
  • Promotion ads through professional media: Steel Guru, Steel & Metallergical, Japan Metal Daily, Intras Publication, Steel Times International, Tube Links, The Ukrainan Metal Journal, Metal Finishing News, Japan Metal Bulletin, Metal Bulletin, Metal Expert, Tubefirst.com, etc.

Schedule and Venue

Show time: May 10-12,2025
Move-out: 1pm,12 May,2025     Move-in: 8-9 May,2025

Venue: Ground Floor, C Area, China Import and Export Fair Complex(No.980,Xingang Dong Road, Guangzhou, China)

Exhibiting Scope


Automobile forgings, and forgings for cars, Forgings for sewing machines; marine forgings, Forgings for diesel engines, forgings for petrochemical industry,Aircraft forgings, bearing forgings, nuclear power forgings,(Pressure vessels, textile machinery, railway machinery, coal mining machinery, construction machinery, mining, lifting, weapons, thermal power, power stations, shafts, gears, rollers, covers, etc.) forgings and various flanges;Fine blanking, forging tube body, etc.Medical equipment; Pharmaceutical machinery; Forging for pharmaceutical packaging machinery; Various cold forgings, cold extrusion parts; Hardware forgings; Light industrial machinery forgings.

Flange and ring products

All kinds of large flanges,Various diameter flange, stainless steel flange, pressure vessel flange, wind power flange, integral flange, threaded flange, flat welding flange, flat welding flange with neck, butt welding flange, butt welding flange, socket welding flange, loose sleeve flange, lining flange, non-standard flange, American standard, German standard, Japanese standard, Russian standard and other series of standard flange, France LAN cover, flange element, flange, flange, flange protective cover, flange gasket,All kinds of medium and small, large, standard ring, special-shaped ring, slewing bearing, gear ring, rim, ring forgings and so on.

◆ Forging equipment and raw materials

Forging equipment, die forging equipment, free forging equipment, forging robot.Laser cutting, extrusion, rotary forming, cutting, band sawing machine, circular saw, bending torsion forming equipment,Cross wedge rolling mill, ring rolling machine, mechanical press, automatic forging press, cold/warm forging press, hydraulic press, automatic forming equipment, general forming equipment, forging hammer, forging machine, riveting machine, automation, consulting services, forging die manufacturing technology and equipment,Forging raw materials (bar, round steel, profile, die steel, tool steel),Industrial furnaces, kilns and energy-saving technologies for forging production, import and export services, ISO/QS 9000 certification, mechanical maintenance and second-hand equipment, process design and CAD, CAM, forging testing equipment and instruments, forging auxiliary equipment.

Focus on the audience industry

Forging, automobiles, motorcycles, pump valves, petroleum chemical machinery, mechanical processing, metallurgical equipment, ships, rail transit, aerospace, military, pharmaceutical, pressure vessels, boilers, agricultural machinery, mining, sewing machines, internal combustion engines, power, nuclear power, wind power, hardware, etc.

Exhibition Charges

Brand Hall (minimum area of 36sqms): 450 USD/sqm raw space rent + 5 USD/sqm construction management fees

Standard Booth: USD4500/booth (9sqms)

Included Basic Fittings: booth boarding, fascia board with company name, one table, two chairs, carpet , garbage can , two daylight lamps ,air condition

Procedures of Participation

  • Post or fax the filled & stamped application to us.
  • Participation fee should be transferred into our company account & swift receipt should be fax to us within one week after receiving the stand confirmation.
  • The contract will officially become effective after receiving participation fee. The booth can not be subleased or loaned to any third party for any reason.
  • The location of booth will be allotted according to application date and size.


  • Advertising in the related authoritative magazines in Germany, USA, UK, South Korea, India, Russia, Japan etc.
  • Continuous nationwide report & advertising on TV, publication & newspaper.
  • 300,000 free visiting tickets to target customers by our expanding department.
  • Leaflets about the exhibition which will be distributed by local professional associations (academies), commercial section of foreign embassies in China and relevant international organizations in China.
  • Leaflets about relevant exhibitions at home and abroad.


Add: Suite 3A04-3A06,Building A1, Galaxy City, Huaming Rd 29,Pearl River New City, Tianhe, Guangzhou, 510623, China

Tel: 0086-20-38620790      Fax: 0086-20-38620781

Contact: Lisy  0086-13570598541

WeChat: 13570598541


Website: www.julang.com.cn/forging

Индустриальные сектора
Реклама, Маркетинг, Франчайзинг, Авиакосмическая индустрия, Аэропорты, Сельское хозяйство, лесная индустрия, Ландшафтный дизайн, Рыболовство, Животноводство, Искусство, Антиквариат, Лодки, Маломерные суда, Аксессуары для лодок, Книгопечатание, Лицензирование, Химия, Нефтехимия, Городская инфраструктура, Водные технологии, Управление отходами, Коммунальные услуги, Одежда, Мода, Аксессуары, Автоматизация производства, Промышленная автоматизация, Измерения и Контроль, Строительные Технологии, Материалы и Оборудование, Дизайн интерьера, Потребительская электроника, Косметика, СПА индустрия, Оборонные технологии, Стоматология, Дизайн, Электротехника, Электроника, Энергетика, Защита окружающей среды, Экология, Управление недвижимостью, Городское хозяйство, Финансовые и Страховые услуги, Недвижимость, Напольные покрытия, Пищевая индустрия, Упаковочное оборудование, Продукты питания, Напитки, Продукты премиум-класса, Металлургия, Литье, Черная Металлургия, Цветная Металлургия, Религия, Похоронная индустрия, Мебель, Дизайн Интерьера, Домашние Животные, Садоводство, Национальные Выставки за рубежом, Подарки, Часы, Ювелирные изделия, Ремесла, индустрия Праздников, Металлические изделия, Инструменты, Гостиницы ( оборудование ), Кейтеринг ( оборудование ), Торговое оборудование, Товары и Техника для Дома, Стекло, Керамика, Промышленное оборудование, Обслуживание производства, Информационные и Коммуникационные Технологии, Программное обеспечение, Лабораторные Технологии, Биотехнологии, Производство Кожи и Обуви, Кожа, Изделия из Кожи, Обувь, Досуг, Хобби, Освещение, Технологии Освещения, Логистика, Технологии Перевозки и Хранения, Медицина, Медицинское оборудование, Здравоохранение, Фармацевтика, Металлобработка, Сварка, Горная индустрия, Геодезия, Музыка (инструменты, лицензии), Товары по уходу, Детская одежда, Офисное оборудование, Канцелярские товары, Нефть и Газ, Оптика, Офтальмология, Средства Массовой информации, Индустрия Печати, Технологии передачи данных,Фото, Кино (технологии, лицензии), Телевидение, Пластмасса и Резина- производство, Сантехника, Отопление, Охлаждение, Кондиционирование,технологии Вентиляции, Безопасность, Защита от Стихийных бедствий, Оффшорные технологии, Судостроение, Портовое оборудование, Спортивные товары, Субконтрактинг, Обработка Поверхностей - технологии, Обучение, Бизнес Start-up, Техническая Оптика, Лазерные технологии, Новые технологии, Изобретения, Инновации, Швейное, Текстильное оборудование, Очищение Текстиля, Одежда, текстиль для дома, Технический текстиль, Туризм, Игрушки, Игры, Компьютерные игры, Промышленные Выставки, Выставки товаров народного потребления, Выставки, Конгрессы, Мероприятия- Технологии, Транспорт и Траффик, Логистика, Трубы, Проволока, Транспорт (Автомобили, Коммерческий транспорт, Мотоциклы, Грузовой транспорт, Запчасти и Аксессуары), Деревообработка, Мебельная индустрия, Мировые экспозиции, Выставки сервисных услуг, Сервисная компания, Другое

Exhibiting Scope


Automobile forgings, and forgings for cars, Forgings for sewing machines; marine forgings, Forgings for diesel engines, forgings for petrochemical industry,Aircraft forgings, bearing forgings, nuclear power forgings,(Pressure vessels, textile machinery, railway machinery, coal mining machinery, construction machinery, mining, lifting, weapons, thermal power, power stations, shafts, gears, rollers, covers, etc.) forgings and various flanges;Fine blanking, forging tube body, etc.Medical equipment; Pharmaceutical machinery; Forging for pharmaceutical packaging machinery; Various cold forgings, cold extrusion parts; Hardware forgings; Light industrial machinery forgings.

Flange and ring products

All kinds of large flanges,Various diameter flange, stainless steel flange, pressure vessel flange, wind power flange, integral flange, threaded flange, flat welding flange, flat welding flange with neck, butt welding flange, butt welding flange, socket welding flange, loose sleeve flange, lining flange, non-standard flange, American standard, German standard, Japanese standard, Russian standard and other series of standard flange, France LAN cover, flange element, flange, flange, flange protective cover, flange gasket,All kinds of medium and small, large, standard ring, special-shaped ring, slewing bearing, gear ring, rim, ring forgings and so on.

◆ Forging equipment and raw materials

Forging equipment, die forging equipment, free forging equipment, forging robot.Laser cutting, extrusion, rotary forming, cutting, band sawing machine, circular saw, bending torsion forming equipment,Cross wedge rolling mill, ring rolling machine, mechanical press, automatic forging press, cold/warm forging press, hydraulic press, automatic forming equipment, general forming equipment, forging hammer, forging machine, riveting machine, automation, consulting services, forging die manufacturing technology and equipment,Forging raw materials (bar, round steel, profile, die steel, tool steel),Industrial furnaces, kilns and energy-saving technologies for forging production, import and export services, ISO/QS 9000 certification, mechanical maintenance and second-hand equipment, process design and CAD, CAM, forging testing equipment and instruments, forging auxiliary equipment.

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